
10.10.10 - a recap

So as a part of my 101 in 1001, I wanted to do a "Day in the Life" on 10.10.10 and 11.11.11.  Well, 10.10.10 was on Sunday, and I actually took pictures.  Granted, this Sunday wasn't a typical Sunday - or day in our lives, really - but it was a fun one!

10.10.10 began like most weekend days - late.  JJ had gone to bed at his regular bedtime the night before, but he woke up at 2am and was up until almost 4am.  This led to him sleeping until 830am [which was nice for mama].  As soon as he woke up, he was hungry/thirsty.  So I made him some milk while I made his oatmeal.

After he ate, I made myself the perfect batch of French toast. It was delish.

After breakfast, I folded laundry and cleaned up the kitchen/put up the dishes.  JJ tried to help...sorta.

Then, we got a call from Grandma - we were meeting her in OKC for the day!  So, the both of us got ready to go.

It took the both of us a good hour to get ready and get into the car...but we made it out the house at the same time Grandma left home.  After a quick stop for gas, we drove to OKC and met Grandma at Golden Corral.  Yum.

After spending a good two hours at Golden Corral, we met Aunty 'Licia across the street at PetSmart, where she was volunteering with a pet adoption drive.  I didn't take my phone in while we were there, but JJ had a blast with the doggies.  There was even a dog there named Jay Jay that I wanted to take home with us!  We let Aunty finish up, then went to Wal-Mart to do some shopping.  Well, Mommy and Grandma shopped - Aunty and JJ played.

JJ got his big boy potty today [not sure when we'll start potty-training, but he has it], and Mommy got some stuff to upgrade the apartment.  After Wal-Mart, we said good-bye to Aunty and went to Garden Ridge - one of Grandma's favorite stores.  JJ fell in love with a rocker that we'll probably end up buying for him for Christmas.

After another hour at Garden Ridge, it was after 6pm and getting dark.  JJ had also missed his nap time, so he was getting cranky.  After saying our good-byes to Grandma, we hit the road home.  It only took JJ 10 minutes to fall fast asleep.

But when we got home, it was past JJ's dinner time - and he was hungry.  He ended his day with a light meal - and more milk.

It took another couple of hours to get him settled down, but I finally got him to bed.  We had quite the day, but we had a ton of fun.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Aww...sounds like a great day! He is so cute, I just want to squeeze his little cheeks! ha!