
End of first trimester blues.

I'm 12 weeks, four days today -- and second trimester starts at 13 weeks, 1 day, so I'll hit second tri on Friday [thank goodness]. This Friday is a big milestone for me because I'll finally start to breathe a little easier when it comes to this pregnancy. The nausea, however, is looking like it'll stick around for a bit.

When I was pregnant with JJ, I had all-day nausea for a good 6-7 weeks [even though it felt longer than that]. I remember it settling in right around finals week and not really going away until near the end of June. This time, the nausea settled in around 6 weeks, and at almost 13 weeks, it's still around. Zofran hasn't helped that much, so I just stopped taking it and am sucking it up at night. I know that crappy food choices makes it worse, so I've stopped eating the fatty stuff [except for the Chick-Fil-A I had for lunch today] and have really tried to push more water and healthy food items. At least I don't feel like I have to throw up every five minutes...those days were around a couple of weeks ago, and that sucked big time.

I've decided that I'm no good at this whole first trimester thing. It's been really hard for me to suck it up and deal with it when I feel like crap. Add in my overactive 3-year-old, and that makes things even more interesting around here. My mom is on spring break this week and has him for the next few days, which I'm grateful for - that allows me to get some sleep and get some cleaning done around here. Well, really, I just want to sleep.

Random food cravings are starting to come and go, even though the thought of food still makes me feel blah after like, 6pm. I had two root beers last week, and I never, EVER drink root beer. I've had this aversion to it for awhile, but that's the only soda I've wanted the past couple of weeks. I'm seriously considering making a drive to A&W sometime this week for a root beer float - that sounds heavenly. [and i know you're supposed to watch your caffeine intake while pregnant...since i stopped drinking coffee, i have a soda or two a week nowadays] I've also had cravings for fruit [that aren't in season], like watermelon - and again, I'm not a big fan of watermelon. I know, who doesn't like watermelon, right?! Well, I normally don't...and I want some. I hope that craving sticks around when watermelons come out in full force this summer.

Today is the last day of winter...how weird that another season has come and gone. This winter was particularly mild in comparison the past two to three winters, which was nice. I will say that I missed seeing snow, but that's OK. Most of the state got a really good soaking today, which is what we needed, so I hope spring brings more of that type of rain [and little tornado activity, please and thank you]. I think we got more rain today than we did during the past 6-7 months combined...been awhile since my phone weather radio app lit up with flood and flash flood warnings. Thanks for the rain weather gods!

Wish me luck as I step in the world of second trimester. I can't believe I'm already near the end of the 1st trimester...holy cow.

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