
More of the 5000-question survey. :)

551. What is the most magical thing that has ever happened to you?: I became a mom. :)

552. How would you tell your friend his or her fly was open in public?: I'd pull them over to the side and tell 'em.

553. Does a good friend tell you you've got something in your teeth or pretend not to notice it?: A good friend tells. A whack "friend" pretends not to notice it.

554. The world has many secrets. Have you learned any? Will you share it?: I've learned that moms always know best. Well, almost always.

555. Are there any bands you like so much that you want to get their music video collection on DVD?: *N Sync. And I have it. Baha.

556. What do you need advice about?: Being a military wife. Definitely.

557. Have you been half-asleep and have you heard voices?: Yeah...sometimes, my dreams are WEIRD.

558. Do you have a good luck charm?: It used to be my Aries necklace. Don't really have one now.

559. Should animals have the same right to life as people?: Yes. They may not be human, but they have feelings and senses. And I'm a huge animal lover and think they all deserve the same chance that humans get at life.

560. What is your least favorite body part?: My stomach. Ugh. I need to work on it.

561. Do you enjoy British comedy?: YES. It's awesome.

562. Are there ever happy
endings or does nothing end?: There are always happy endings. Always.

563. What is your worst trait?: Probably my procrastination. And, on some occasions, my temper.

564. Is the world more beautiful because of love?: I think so. You notice more of the little things when love's in your life.

565. What is the essence of you?: Oh gosh. I don't know...I'd have to think about that.

566. What really inspires you?: My son. Hands down. He inspires me to be the best.

567. Have you met your soul mate?: YES! 

568. Is everyday a special occasion?: I think so...even if you don't realize it at the time.

569. What sound would you rather hear than any sound in the world?: My baby's laugh.

570. Of the following which word best describes you:
outgoing: Probably this one out of all of them.
quick thinking:

571. Do any commercials make you want to break your TV?: YES. The car dealership and lottery commercials are the worst.

572. Have you ever lost your religion?: Yes. Still trying to find it.

573. Do you want to share your life with someone?: Yes. And our journey's already started!

574. Where ARE the wild things?: Under my bed.

575. Would you rather have a child genetically related to you or an adopted child?: Either is fine; the love for a child can be extended to one who's genetically yours or adopted. I already have a little boy and would like to have another child, but I'd seriously consider adoption if we couldn't have any more children.

576. If I had a birthday party would you come?: Of course!

577. What seemingly impossible thing is POSSIBLE?: Maintaining patience while driving in Oklahoma. Seriously.

578. What song do you love to sing out loud?: Oh gosh. Depends on my mood. Usually some random JT or *N Sync song.

579. Have you ever run through the woods naked and played in a stream (you should)?: Yeah...no.

580. Have you ever taken long solitary night walks?: Yup...usually around my block at home.

581. Is there more to you than anyone knows?: Yup.

582. Can you make tonight the night that you do the things you always wanted to do?: Nope. Not tonight. Maybe another night.

583. Would you rather watch life on TV or LIVE it?: Live it.

584. What keeps you chained down?: My husband and son.

585. What is the nagging feeling in the back of your head?: That I'll lose someone I love. Especially DS.

586. Do you celebrate yourself?: Every single day!

587. Does everyone get the same opportunities in life?: I don't think so.

588. What would you consider to be better than sex?: Nothing. Sex is the BEST.

589. What evil is necessary?: Oh geez. Um...bad drives, because they should make you a better one?

590. What's your favorite one hit wonder?: I don't know...I'll have to think about that one.

591. What would you do anything for?: My son. Hands down.

592. Do you celebrate the full moon?: Nope.

593. Have you ever gone in the water at the beach at night?: Yup - in Hawaii. Miss those days.

594. Are you ordinary?: Yeah. Pretty plain.

595. What makes people want to hang out with you?: My bubbly personality. :)

596. Have you ever felt like you've been a little bit too good to someone?: Um...yeah. Which is why they're gone.

597. What book did you like that you had to read for school?: The Scarlet Letter. But...after I had to read and analyze it the fifth time, I got over that.

598. What book should everyone have to read in school?: The Harry Potter series. :) Kidding. I think everyone should read Animal Farm.

599. Do you like the store Old Navy?: Yup. Especially when flip flop season comes around.

600. What movie sequels do you like?: Um...crap. I don't know! Most times, the original's better than the sequel.

601. Do you have a lust for life?: Definitely. I crave it. Every day.

602. Do you want to get more out of life?: Definitely. Working on it!

603. Would you want to learn to:
Convert to Buddhism?: Nope.
Cure a hangover?: YES.
Lie persuasively?: Nope. I can do that already.

604. What character from a movie is most like you?: Oh gosh. I don't know.

605. Are you comfortable with the idea of your own death?: Not yet.

606. How do you feel about arranged marriages?: I didn't grow up in that culture, so it's totally unacceptable to me. I would LOVE for someone to try and arrange my marriage.

607. What do you hate that everyone else seems to like?: Dark chocolate. Blech.

608. What do you like that others seem to hate?: Spam. Yum.

609. If you had to be named after a month, which month would you pick?: January.

610. Is time more like a highway or a meadow to you?: A highway. It has stops along the way that you can choose to take, but it always leads you home.

611. What is your favorite movie?: I don't really have one...I like too many movies.

612. Which would you choose to be back in the day: a warrior, an alchemist, a minstrel, a bard, an oracle, a peasant, or a merchant?: Probably an alchmist. Or an oracle.

613. What is your favorite song lyric?: Again. Don't have one.

614. What will you never run out of?: Milk. Thanks to JJ.

615. If you could force someone to fall madly in love with you, (anyone you choose) would you do it?: Nope; I'm happy where I am. It's tempting though.

616. Have you ever seen the Disney movie The Black Cauldron?: Yes!

617. Have you ever read The Black Cauldron by Alexander Lloyd (or any of his other books in the Prydain Chronicles)?: Yeah. No.

618. Have you ever written a paper the night before it was due?: Of course.
How about the day it was due?: Baha - yup. Got my highest marks on papers I wrote the day before or day of.

619. Is there a movie you have watched so many times that you can quote it line for line?: First Harry Potter. Need to watch it again to refresh my memory though.

620. What is your favorite season?: FALL. It's just a beautiful season. Weather's changing, football season's here, the leaves are changing...I love it.

621. Do you mind being described as cute?: Nope. I lik eit.

622. What is the tackiest object in your home?: Um...I don't know...nothing, really.

623. What do you think people are most ignorant towards?: Other people's ways of life.

624. What is it that makes you an interesting person?: I'm mixed. That's enough to get people interested.

625. What makes other people interesting to you?: Their life story. Where they've been, what they've done etc.

626. How open to suggestion are you?: Pretty open.

627. Is Michael Jackson black or white?: Both. May he rest in peace.

628. Are you often lonely?: Yeah...especially since J and I don't live together.

629. What’s the most unusual pet you’ve ever had?: A tarantula. Well, it wasn't my pet. It was my dad's. Blech.

630. Have you ever threatened an authority figure?: Not to his or her face...

631. If you had to choose would you rather make all your decisions henceforth with your head only or with your heart only?: Gah...that's tough. Probably heart. I use my emotions in every decision and don't think I could do so otherwise.

632. How imaginative are you?: Preeeetty imaginative.

633. Do you like the Counting Crows?: Eh. Some songs, yeah.

634. Where did you find this survey?: On other people's 101 in 1001.

635. Are you more tense or laid back?: More tense, honestly. Trying to be more laid back.

636. Does your happiness depend on anyone else, or are you happy no matter what any one says or does?: I'm happy regardless.

637. What do you think of the idea of putting the bible into the format of a fashion magazine to attract the interest of teenagers?: Bad idea. I wouldn't read it that way.

638. How often do you drink to get drunk?: Never. Honestly.

639. Would you consider yourself to be diplomatic?: I try to be.

640. Do you think that most of the classes you have taken were taught in such a way as to make plain the relevance of the subject matter in your everyday life?: Psht. Nope. Example: AP Calc.

641. Do you remember Crystal Pepsi?: Yup.

642. When was the last time you spent a night away from home?: Um...from my apartment? Satureday night. From my house? Last night.

643. Some people say that there is no such thing as a stupid question. Is that true?: NO. There are definitely stupid questions.

644. What is the most interesting TV channel?: Probably History. Love that channel.

645. Name one song you could live without hearing ever again: That "Blue" song.

646. Do your pets understand you when you talk?: Yup.

647. What are three things you HAVE NOT done that might surprise people?: Oh geez...again, I don't know! The things that I haven't done...people know why.

648. Have you ever had a secret admirer?: Yup. Weird.

649. Have you been to a museum this year?: Not yet - will when we go to Vegas!

650. Do you ever watch porn? : I have in the past...

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