
Has it been THAT LONG since I updated?!

Oh my gosh - I am SO bad at this whole updating my blog thing. Welp, this is one thing that I can't cross off my list. Oops. I guess I haven't really updated because I haven't been able to take pics of stuff - but that's no excuse. Boo.

Anyway. I've been super busy with work and life, too, but that's not a viable excuse, either. I've been keeping track of my list and have started some things [and have intentions of starting other things soon]. I finished reading the first two books in the Twilight series and am officially hooked. It's so fun to read them, especially since three of my buddies at work love the Twilight series. Clips from New Moon keep coming out, and we all freak out together and watch them at work. It's so awesome. :) I'm waiting to start Eclipse because I think my sister's boyfriend has it with him. I have to go track him down and get it - I'm dying to start the next one.

I've been readily searching for a crock pot and think I finally found the one I want [courtesy of Wal-Mart.com]:

It's a Hamilton Beach Set 'n Forget Probe Slow Cooker from Wal-Mart. J and I found one today when we went to Wal-Mart to get my oil changed, and I love it. I love the digital setting, the fact that the lid snaps on, and I didn't even know it had a probe when we saw it there. I'm asking for this for Christmas and will be keeping my eye on this, but this is definitely the one I want. I wish JCPenney had it - this would justify the $200 gift card I need to use there. [side note: i also need ideas for where to get crock pot cookbooks...so if you have one i should get, lemme know!]

I've been digging around for multi-vitamins, too...but I need to do more research before I commit to one. I've decided that I don't want to have another baby until 2011 [which means we'll probably start trying around this time next year], so I may need to find a multi-vitamin that'll keep me in baby-making form for awhile. Don't even know where to start with that, so I'll do some more research and see how this goes.

I'm thinking about turning this blog into my regular blog as well...use this to post updates on my life and such. I have another blog that's all about wedding stuff, but I'm not sure if the wedding will happen anymore [long story]...so I may just delete it and move my life to this one. I love to blog and chronicle my life anyway, so it won't be hard to do. As long as people don't mind reading about me rambling on, it all works out. :) I guess that's all for now...I'm exhausted and need to head to bed. More updates later!

p.s. Love that the Phillies made the World Series again, but NOT thrilled that the Yanks made it, too. Boo.
p.p.s. NBA season starts this week - I had my fantasy basketball draft yesterday. YAY! I'm pretty sure I'm one of the few people out of all of my friends that likes the NBA, but whatever. I'm excited about it. Woo!

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