
Add to nos. 6, 22, 65; cross off no. 84!

It's been a few days since I last blogged...it's been kinda stressful around here the past couple of weeks. J has this amazing opportunity with the Air Force that's kinda put some things on hold. I'm so excited for him and am supporting him 150 percent, but I'm also very nervous about it. This whole thing is why I changed no. 5 from throwing him a party for his 25th to throwing him a party after BMT. There just isn't time, no one's going to be around, and things are really unpredictable right now. I'll also have to put our date nights on hold until after he gets back from BMT and school, so it could take a little bit to get that one done. At least we'll get four date nights in before he leaves.

Speaking of date nights, we went on one last Friday - bowling. We bowled three games, and I sucked really bad at it, but I broke 100 two out of three games [bowled 125 my last game!] and had fun with my husband. We were gonna go to the movies, but I didn't really want to see anything that was out, so we went bowling instead. Definitely a good decision. We'll have another date night this weekend since our one-year wedding anniversary is this weekend. Holy cat. We've been married for almost a year! I'll blog on that one this weekend. :)

J and I also got our first Powerball ticket together - and my first ever, so I crossed off no. 84! We bought it at EZGo this past Saturday:

J filled out the ticket, and I gave him the numbers. We didn't win, of course, but it was fun to pick numbers. I'm sure we'll play again this weekend...well, maybe.

I added another to nos. 22 and 65...no. 22 was to go on a date night with my sister, and no. 65 was to see 15 movies in theatres. I added to both when I went to the movies with my sister on Monday to see:

I wasn't quite sure if I'd like it, but it was pretty good! It had some freaking hilarious moments, too. I'd watch it again - and probably laugh just as hard as I did in the theatre. It was my first time going to Tinseltown in OKC, and that theatre's pretty awesome! AND, I only paid $5.75 for my ticket - without having to use any sort of ID or anything. Cheapest freaking theatre I've been to for a night showing in a long time. Love it.

That's all I got for now. I'm excited about our anniversary this weekend...I'm going to start my project 365 then, too. I can definitely take a picture every day, but I probably won't post them every day - will probably post them every other day. Life's about to get really hectic for us, so I can't promise I'll be able to post every day. I hope I'll be able to though.

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