Well, it's that time of the year again - time to send Christmas cards. Well, I'm considering sending holiday cards to cover everything, but anyway. I usually buy boxed cards and send them out, but I wanted to buy personalized cards this year - I want to make it a tradition to get a nice picture taken during Thanksgiving and use it for our holiday cards. While we didn't get a nice picture snapped during the holiday, JJ's birthday is tomorrow(!), and we'll all be spiffied up, so we'll get one snapped then.
Anyway, I've recently discovered the awesome holiday cards that Shutterfly offers. I already use them for calendars [my mom made and ordered our 2011 calendars earlier this week, and they look SO great - can't wait to get my copy!] and plan on using them for JJ's birthday invitations next year [if I'd stop be lazy about taking pictures, I could've made birthday invitations this year] and baby shower invitations [for showers I throw...I'm not pregnant again yet]. I hadn't realized until recently the wide selection of holiday cards they have; they're so awesome!
As I've flipped through the hundreds of cards Shutterfly offers, I can't decide what I want. I do like these though:
I realize this one is a Christmas card, but I just love it.
I love the blue! This card is so cute. I'm really leaning towards this one if I really do decide to do a holiday card instead of a Christmas card.
I just think this card is SUPER cute. And clever. And different.
Oh my gosh! I love this one! Love the script, the monogram...I love it all.
I need to stop looking at the cards before I make one of each of them and send them to everyone and their mom. If you haven't checked out their holiday card collection yet, you need to - it's such a great selection. I haven't decided which design to use yet [obviously], but I'm going to use one of them for our holiday cards. Even if we can't get a family picture snapped since J isn't home, if I can just get a rockin' shot of JJ, that'll work out awesome.
As I mentioned in my previous blog entry, Shutterfly has been an amazing company to work with. I've ordered dozens of pictures from them [ordered 154 tonight, actually...ha], and they've always looked great. I can even upload my iPhone photos to a Shutterfly app for printing...and those prints look like I took them with a regular camera! They don't distort the picture like some other photo printing people do. My last non-picture order was a photo book I made of J's BMT graduation weekend, and it came out amazing. I think even J was surprised at how good it came out. I have another free book offer that needs to be used by Monday, and I hope to get all the pictures from JJ's birthday uploaded so I can make another photo book. I've had friends who have made wedding and family albums out of their books, and they always come out looking amazing. I appreciate the ease of use and the many options for personalization; I feel like I really made that book based on my wants and needs, not just premade templates.
I hope that you all take the opportunity to check out their site if you haven't already. I don't think you'll be disappointed - but if you are, they also have great customer service. What is there to lose?! NOTHING! As another mention, they're currently offering a promotion for bloggers - 50 free holiday cards! For more information, go here.
So, in short - go check it out. Now. What are you waiting for?!
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