
Me + sick = boo. Memorial Day = fabulous.

So this weekend, I either overindulged or ate something bad [or maybe a little bit of both] - because I woke up at 3am Tuesday morning very, very sick. I still went to work on Tuesday but took off yesterday and may take off today because I'm still not able to keep much down. I try not to be one of those people that's like, "Woe is me, I'm sick and a big baby"...but let's face it. I'm totally that person. I don't want people to feel sorry for me, but I do want them to know that I'm sick and, dang it, I'm gonna complain about it for two seconds before I move on.

So now, I'm up at nearly 1am because I was able to take a nap today with JJ [and I needed it, because this whole upset tummy/not being able to really eat thing isn't fun] and am, therefore, just about wide awake. I honestly hate missing work, especially during the summer, but not being able to hold anything down caused issues on Tuesday and yesterday. Whatever this is, I hope it passes soon, because not feeling well turns me into a crabby baby [clearly].

Anyway. I may have overindulged during the holiday weekend, but it was nice to have a three-day weekend [with another one not coming for more than 30 days - I set a timer on my phone]. I went home for the weekend to hang out with my mom, and my sister came home Monday morning to bug me and hang out. I honestly didn't get much accomplished, but I did get my nails done and watched Purple Rain for the first time ever. I also sat through the four-hour extended version of Return of the King...if only I'd known it'd take four hours when I started it...

It was SO hot on Saturday, though, that by noon, we were all done. We ran errands that morning, but it was cracking 100 degrees by the middle of the day, and we just headed home instead of doing whatever else was left. I'm not sure I cooled down until nearly an hour after we got home...let me tell ya, I did NOT miss the 100-degree weather [although, it's better than tornado warnings]. Welcome to summer, Oklahoma.

So, as you can see, life hasn't been very interesting lately. Well, interesting to anyone else but me, I guess. :) JJ's woken up twice in the past half hour, so I'm hoping that doesn't mean he's getting sick, too...I'd better head out and prepare myself, just in case. Can you believe he'll be 2 1/2 at the end of the weekend?! Sheesh.

1 comment:

Fresh Garden said...

Yeah, it was so hot on Saturday.